ACA Threads awarded by Training Workshops Unlimited a program run by Cape Mental Health

February 05, 2024 2 min read

ACA Threads awarded by Training Workshops Unlimited a program run by Cape Mental Health
ACA Threads awarded by Training Workshops Unlimited a program run by Cape Mental Health

TWU a program run by Cape Mental Health awarded us with a certificate, in November 2023, to acknowledge our support for promoting skills and income generation opportunities for their trainees with intellectual disabilities. We are very grateful for this acknowledgement and are proud to be a part of this program.

TWU is one of the companies that we use, as part of our spool recycling program, to clean up our spools.

Our customers are encouraged to return their empty spools to us (and even enjoy a rebate based on the volume of spools returned) so that we can reuse them instead of needing to exclusively use new spools for the threads that we manufacture.
The returned spools need to be cleaned and sorted between, reusable and recyclable. TWU collect the returned spools from us, remove any remaining thread on the spool, clean off the old labels, wash, dry and then repack them, ready for us to use in our factory again. Any damaged spools are also returned, clean, and then sent off for recycling and remoulding into new spools for us.

We pay for this service and the income generated through the program, supports these trainees financially.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank those customers who are already part of our spool recycling program and also thank TWU and Cape Mental Health for the good work that they do and supporting us to embrace sustainable practices and providing us with the opportunity to contribute to supporting those who need it.

To learn more about the TWU program and Cape Mental Health, visit their website

If you use our threads and would like to take part in our recycling program, by returning your empty spools, please email us

Pictured here are Zaibu Daniels (ACA Threads Production Planner) and Santie Terreblanche (Cape Mental Health Deputy Executive Officer)